Humber Bay butterfly habitat - Canada far from human prospective

 Natural habitats are disappearing in urban areas with the expansion of the built environment. Many plants and animals cannot survive and species diversity is decreasing. The Humber Bay Butterfly Habitat is a selfsustaining plant community to support the diversity of Toronto’s butterflies. Other ways to support habitat in urban areas are: tree planting, pollinator gardens, green Description The Humber Bay Butterfly Project has restored two hectares (4 acres) of critical habitats in the west of Toronto along Lake Ontario. 

With native plants such as wildflowers, trees and grasses, these small ecosystems support many species of butterflies through all stages of their life cycles. Interpretative signs help visitors understand and enjoy the butterflies and their habitats. The City of Toronto maintains this area as a park. What to see and do here From April to October, you can see a large variety of native butterflies, as you walk through three different types of habitat: Short Grass Prairie, Wildflower Meadow, and Home Garden. You can gather an idea for a butterfly space where you live. In September be thrilled by the huge number of monarch butterflies, getting ready for migration to Mexico. 

Avoid hot, windy or rainy weather for best viewing. Use the interpretive signs for a self-guided tour, or request a group tour information by email: History/Culture The Humber Bay Butterfly Habitat was opened in September 2002 through the work of Humber Bay East, which continues to manage it in association with the Toronto Community Stewardship Program.

Nearby community features Humber Bay Pedestrian Bridge, Humber Bay Park East, Humber Bay Shores Park, Sheldon Lookout (Great spot for lake and city views).

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