Canadian and equine horses breed

CC is an Canadian Warmblood
Canadian Warmblood
Read about the breed
Bred throughout Europe for over 200 hundred years, the Warmblood horse's
history has been recorded all over the world since the times of Monarchies and

Warmblood horses combine the athleticism of the Thoroughbred with
the movement, substance, power, and trainability of the early military horse.
Today's Warmblood has evolved from the farm/military horse of the 19th century.
Modern Warmbloods can be found competing in nearly all equestrian disciplines
and are known for being popular Olympic mounts. CC is considered a
"Canadian" Warmblood because she was born in Canada! CC is personally
owned by Madison Fields Program Director Jessica Oyarzo!
Look up 3 Olympic horse sports! Challenge: Name 3 Olympic Warmblood mounts!

In developing countries : the horse is used for his traction
force and as a meat producing animal.
In developing countries where agriculture has not yet seen a wide development of mechanisation,
the horse is still used a lot for its motive power.
Different animal species can be used for work. Those the best suited must be able to breed in local conditions,
and be resistant enough to provide the amount of work demanded. They should be affordable in price, and
available locally. In numerous cases, the local breeds provide the best alternative. 

Different species of animal can
be used for these tasks, particularly cattle (oxen, bulls, and cows), buffalo, camels, equines and more specifically
mules and donkeys.
In a lot of countries mules and donkeys are also used for rural transport. Both Asia and Africa boast around 20
million mules and donkeys, and it is on these continents that the herds are the largest. Their use in agriculture
and rural transport is still developing thanks to the low upkeep cost they incur.
World distribution of the equine population
Developed coutries :

 the horse is used as a racing, sport or
leisure animal.
In developed countries, equestrian leisure activities have developed alongside the increase in the
standard of living and spare time.
These uses appeared in France in the second half of the XXth Century, and have diversified the use of the horse.
The previous uses still exist but are no longer dominant.
In western Europe, the activities practiced are numerous, and more or less developed depending on the country.
Thus, we can distinguish countries with versatile uses for the horse such as France, Italy, 

Germany and the United
Kingdom. All these countries have well developed racing, sports-leisure, and meat sectors. However even when
comparing these countries, practices are different, especially in the three types of racing. In France and Italy, all
three disciplines are very active, the UK only organises gallop races, and Germany mainly trotting races and flat

 Uses of horses per country, differentiating sport-leisure
riding, racing and meat
Some countries have less diverse uses. Sweden or Ireland for example, both have two well developed sectors :
sports-leisure and racing. Their racing sectors are quite specialised, trotting races in Sweden (>90 % of the races
organised) and gallop racing in Ireland.
Other countries have an even more specific use particularly Switzerland and the Netherlands where the main
equestrian activites are sports and leisure, they organise very few races.
In some regions, the horse is still used as a working animal to herd cattle, a common practice in Camargue.
Countries in transition : drop in the numbers of equines.
Cheval de sport © 

A-S. Azzos
When agriculture begins to become more mechanised, the uses of horses for work gradually disappear to the
profit of sports and leisure uses, this however leads to a decline in the number of equines.
Poland for example, has recently mechanised its agriculture, and has seen a drop in the equine headcount from
over 2 million at the beginning of the eighties, to around 300 000 at the turn of the century.
397 horse breeds registered worldwide
From over 60 countries, these breeds are registered thanks to their UELN number.
Registered breed diversity and location
Germany, France and the United States, with repectively 46, 37 and 34 registered breeds, are the countries which
are most represented.
Almost three quarters of all the breeds registered are warmbloods (saddle breeds), they include sports breeds,
leisure breeds and ponies.

 Draft breeds represent around 15 % of the number of breeds. Racing breeds are few :
around 5 % since the thoroughbred is managed on a worldwide basis, and the headquarters are in England.
Germany and the United States have numerous registered saddle breeds (>30), whereas France has declared a
high number of draft horses and donkeys, and only 15 saddle breeds.
Distribution of equine breeds registered worldwide
The UELN, an international identification system
An international identification system for equines has been implemented : the UELN (Universal
Equine Life Number).
This nuber has 15 digits, the first 6 identify the country and the database the horse was first registered in, the
other numbers are the individual horse’s ID national number.
For example, the French database SIRE uses the ID 250001. Therefore horses registered for the first time in
France will have a UELN beginning with 250001, followed by the horse’s SIRE number.
Know more about our authors
Réseau Équin Réseau de références technico-économiques pour la filière équine
Translated from french by : Karen DUFFY Translator

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