education relevance for children

 6) Whether they admit it or not many children are nervous about the move to secondary
school; what can parents do to reassure them and prepare them for the new
Very little.
Moving from the security and more family nature of primary school to the more formal and less
personal nature of secondary school is a big step up but that’s life. It is all part of growing up
which requires us always to be handling bigger and bigger challenges until one day we are ready
to venture out into the world and handle any challenge the world may throw at us.
All we can really do as parents is to tell our children how we handled similar situations in our
own life, what worked and what didn’t work and reassure them that it was all worthwhile. Help
them to see the purpose of secondary education, the goals that are worth achieving and why.

 Children need to understand the relevance of their education to their personal future so they
can take ownership of it and overcome any difficulties.
What parents can do is:
1) make sure their children know that they will support them no matter what
2) make sure they have all the information they need to make good decisions
3) put in place the best possible home study strategies they can.
Getting Involved:
The biggest difficulty I have always had is simply getting involved. Like you I am sure, I find my
own life to be very busy and there is not much time available to get involved in my children’s
schooling and it is so much easier just to leave it all up to the school. Also my children do not
want me to be involved, they do not want to be picked out as having an interfering parent and
would much sooner I just kept out of it! And of course I have chosen the school they attend
because I believe it will do a good job for them so my tendency is to just let them get on with it.
And I have found that schools often encourage that approach. 

They want parents involved if
there are performances to attend, sports teams that need coaches or extra transport, fund
raising for specific projects or discipline matters to attend to but involvement in the processes of
learning? Generally not encouraged in my experience.
But this is the area that pays the biggest dividends.
The right information;
Beginning a new year the information you need to obtain from the school is:
1) All your child’s subjects details
- teachers names for each subject and contact phone numbers or email addresses if you
can get them
- subject assessment structure – % internal assessment, % exams for every subject

 assessment schedule for the year – especially timing of major exams
- website and parents access to subject information
2) Most schools do some kind of pre-enrollment assessment of students and form an idea of
what academic results they can expect from your child. You need to know what those
expectations are, stated as clearly as possible, that the school holds for your child for their major
assessments – IGCSE, GCSE, O-Level, A-Level, IB Diploma etc
3) The names (and email addresses if possible)of other important people at school – the Head,
the year Dean, any specialist teacher your child will be with, etc…
And the information you need to supply to your child’s teachers or pastoral supervisor is:
4) Based on your own past experience and records the subjects s/he is likely to excel in and
the subjects s/he may struggle in
Obviously textbooks, pens, books and other resources will need to be taken care of too.
Study at home:
What we are always seeking is to get our children into a rhythm, a habit of homework, review
and study, 

which needs to start as soon as possible.
1) encourage your children to get their homework done as soon as possible after coming home
from school
- this enables focused work to be completed while the brain is still functioning well and not
fatigued by the lateness of the hour
- they will often need to get their blood-sugar levels up by eating first but homework should be
- of course this won’t suit everyone but if you make things like TV, video games, the internet etc
contingent on completion of homework then this process can become self rewarding
2) make sure they have a place to do school work which suits them physically – desk or table
and chair at the right height with good light
3) as a vital part of homework, each night all notes completed during the day need to be
reviewed – read through again.
- this will enable the connections made in the brain during the day to be reinforced within 24
hours and facilitates the process of shifting information into long term memory
4) as part of the review process, on a regular basis, maybe once a week, key-point summaries
need to be made in each subject to consolidate the main ideas and act as the basis of study
notes for the next exam

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