Learning Skill issues 2


3) Are learning skills and meta-cognitive skills the same thing and if not what is the
The words ‘learning skills’ are chosen to encompass all the process skills involved in effective
learning. Learning skills can be subdivided into three sub-categories of skills:
- cognitive – information research, processing, storage, retrieval, analysis, synthesis and
communication skills
- affective – the skills of self-motivation, regulation, resilience, collaboration,
- meta cognitive – planning, organisation and implementation of specific cognitive and
affective skills, monitoring effectiveness and making changes where necessary.

 Metacognition refers to the learners’ awareness and knowledge of their own learning
processes, as well as their abilities and tendencies to control those processes during learning.
Metacognitive activities for regulating and overseeing learning include planning (goal setting,
choosing strategies, scheduling time and resources ), monitoring (checking progress, reviewing,
rescheduling), and evaluating outcomes (both process and content).
Metacognitive skills are the umbrella skills which drive the whole learning improvement process
and through which the greatest improvements in academic performance can be achieved.
Metacognition simply means the executive function of thinking. 

That is, that part of our thinking
that is always reflecting on the success or otherwise of our strategy use, looking to make
changes and try out new ideas where necessary, implementing changes and reflecting on
The implementation of metacognitive skills training helps build self regulated learning. Once a
student has built up a ‘library’ of specific cognitive and affective learning strategies and skills
they can then learn the skills necessary to employ, monitor, check and evaluate the success of
the strategies they employ.
Cognitive skills have the purpose of teaching learner-initiated use and practice of active
information processing and retrieval strategies as well as study habits and learning skills. Some
of the specific cognitive skills which have been shown in the literature to bring about significant
improvements in learning are:

 Making effective notes – in class and for studying
Organising ,transforming and summarising information – mind mapping, spider
diagrams, graphic organisers
Using structural writing planners – for different types of essays, scientific reports,
academic papers, research reports - organizing, writing, editing, and revising
Timetabling – general task mapping and specific use for assignments, assessment
preparation, goal setting
Memory techniques – mnemonics, multi-sensory techniques, visualisation, review
Calibrating own learning preferences – mental representation, environmental and
experiential preferences
Self assessment
Research shows that possessing a good repertoire of cognitive learning strategies and applying
metacognitive awareness to the selection and use of those strategies correlates well with higher
academic achievement.
Affective skills 

- in addition to the cognitive skills mentioned above it is also advantageous for
students to learn the skills that enable them to gain some control over mood, motivation and
what we tend to call attitude. These are the skills needed for students to build resilience in
learning, to learn to deal effectively with any setbacks and difficulties, to learn how to bounce
back, make changes and persevere – the skills of the self-regulated learner. 

The self-regulated learner is the one who is using the metacognitive process, as described
above, to not only monitor effective cognitive strategies for learning but also to regulate their
emotional or affective responses in learning situations. These students, whether through
training or natural ability have learned how to monitor their own emotional state and its effect
on their learning and how to cope well with the emotional highs and lows of academic

Students who employ self-regulated, self-determined approaches to learning not only achieve
higher levels of academic achievement than those that don’t, they also experience a sense of
personal satisfaction in their work and are more inclined to make adaptive changes to enhance
future performance.
Affective skills are teachable and they can make a huge difference to a child’s motivation and
resilience. Affective skills training has within it the potential to address some of the most critical
influences on a student’s learning which lie at the heart of helping students to achieve the
characteristics of the learner profile.
Affective Skill development involves a focus on the development of:
persistence and perseverance
focus and concentration
mental quiet
overcoming distractions
reducing anxiety
practising delayed gratification
managing self talk

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