Promote the selection of technology to apply in curriculum and learning units.


Promote the selection of technology to apply in curriculum and learning units.
2) Promote the use of technology to design learning management process, work sheets, submit assignment by
using mail groups or other formats. International Education Studies Vol. 13, No. 10; 2020
3) Promote the use of technology to create assessment and evaluation tools, test bank, organize exam set,
manage exams and store data and process, present results in accordance with evaluation measurement
4) Promote the use of technology as a tool for tracking student progress and behavior.
Successful indicators: 

1) Number of media, technologies that are available to students and teachers.
2) The percentage of teachers who use technology to design and organize learning process.
3) Percentage of teachers who use technology to create assessment and evaluation tools.
4) Percentage of teachers who use technology as a tool to monitor student progress and behavior.
5. Discussion
The components of the 21st century of the students in schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission
consisted of 3 components were 1) learning skills and innovation 

2) Life skills and career 3) Information skills,
media, technology, which assessment results by experts are suitable for all skills. These results may come from all
components have been analyzed and synthesized by accepted academic theories and educators which cover the
21st century learning skills of learners in all areas. The development of the 21st century learning skills in
educational institutions needs to administrate according to all 3 components. At present, world is rapidly
progressing due to the trend of social change that occurred in the 21st century so the 21st century learning skills are
important for living and working in the present social and economic system. In accordance with Panich (2012)
mentioned that education in the 21st century is preparing people to face fast changes, violent, fluctuating and
unpredictable. People in this era must have advance skills to learn and adapt. Teachers who work for students must
improve themselves to gain enough learning skills as well. They, at the same time, must have skills in the role of
teacher in the 21st century, which is different from the role of teacher in the 20th or 19th century and in accordance
with the research of Sirilak (2014) which identify students’ skills in the 21st century by synthesizing relevant
concepts and research. Then expert in children and youth development of the 21st century skills found that skills of
students in the 21st century consisted of 5 components which are 1) creativity thinking skills 2) critical thinking
and problem solving 3) information skills, media and technology 4) communication skills 5) life and career skills.
The current conditions of the 21st century of the students in schools under the Office of the Basic Education
Commission are at a moderate level. The desirable conditions of learners’ skills in the 21st century are at a high
level. As for the need for the development of learners’ skills in the 21st century, it was found that the overall
average = 0.35 when considering the skills that need the most in development are life and career skills had a PNI
modified value = 0.36, followed by learning and innovation skills. A PNI modified value = 0.31, while the skills
with the lowest development need were information, media and technology skills. PNI modified value 0.28. This
may be due to the development of learners’ skills in the 21st century is practiced at a medium or low level, resulting
in a desirable overall condition. At a high level and life skills and career skills were at the highest need for
development. In accordance with the research of Youngtrong (2017) said that strategies for the development of
desirable characteristics of students in basic education institutions in the 21st century, the research found that the
conditions and problems of the development of desirable characteristics of students in basic education institutions
in the 21st century, the school determined vision, mission, goals, objectives, measurement, guidelines for
knowledge and virtue more than thinking and information, media and technology skills. 

There is not enough
media, technology and learning resources within school for students. There is a little supervision system to manage
the learning process. Measurement and evaluation focus on knowledge more than thinking, skills and virtue. Some
teachers have less learning management skills in the 21st century.
Strategies development for the 21st century of the students in schools under the Office of the Basic Education
Commission consisted of 3 strategies, 11 goals, 31 measurements, 35 successful indicators should be discussed as
Appropriate evaluation of the 21st century of the students in schools under the Office of the Basic Education
Commission in the high level. The highest average value strategy was continuously developing learning skills and
innovation. The lowest average value strategy was information, media and technology skills. These results may
come from administrators and teachers were still not keeping pace with the rapid changes in information, media
and technology as they should be. There has been an effort to develop learning skills and innovation used in
learning management, included in determining work, 

supervising, tracking, prioritizing and can complete the work
by oneself and deal with various problems around in the current society and prepare for adjustment in the future. In
accordance with the research of Phamontree (2015) studied the characteristics of school administrators in the 21st International Education Studies Vol. 13, No. 10; 2020
century according to the perceptions and expectations of teachers under the Office of Educational Service Area 27
found that in relation to interpersonal relationships that the expectation average of the most suitable for
subordinates. The school principals were all smiling, polite, and honored the colleagues. The lowest expectation
average may come from strengthening leadership in the 21st century corporate vision. The executives couldn’t do
all alone. They had to get good cooperation from all subordinates and share understanding with personnel in order
to keep the organization vision go forward to lead the organization into the 21st century effectively.
The possibility assessment results of the 21st century of the students in schools under the Office of the Basic
Education Commission in overall were at a more level. When considering each strategy, found that all strategies
were at more level. The information, media and technology was at the high level, while the continuous learning
and innovation skills development and accelerate the development of life and career skills were as follows. These
results may come from administrators and teachers continually emphasized the development of this skill,
beginning in the 21st century until now. Therefore, they used them to meet the objectives from the required data
source, understand the fundamentals of ethical or legal issues in accessing and using information, plan information
queries that use and manage information correctly and creatively, always use media and technology including
information transfer to learners correctly and appropriately. This was in accordance with Chan-klin (2014), said
that the current environment is plenty of rapid technological and media advances. We can fully able to access
information effectively. In 21st century, population requires a wide range of abilities especially information
technology skills.

 3.3 The usefulness evaluation results of the 21st century of the students in schools under the
Office of the Basic Education Commission were in the high level. These results may come from administrators
adapted to variety of roles and duties, including changeable schedule and context used to make good use of them,
understand, bargain and balance in different perspectives and beliefs in order to accomplish the task. Especially in
a multi-cultural environment, the administrators managed positively with compliments, criticism, and mistakes.
They have to handle various problems around in the current society and prepare for adjustment in the future. They
respond in different opinions and values which is the role of administrators in schools. In accordance with Foi
Thong (2018), the way to develop life skills of learners from non-formal and informal education, 

Nakhon Pathom
Province. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Overall life skills of learners were at a more level. 2)
Students with different occupations and incomes have different life skills at a significant level of 0.05. 3) The
influenced factors to life skills development were social supported factors, future aim characteristics, family
relationships, learning environment, mass community information receiving and friendship between students and
friends which can predict life skills development totally at 70.8 percent.

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