Special Military scholarships in the States rules 5

I. The scholarship will pay the cost of tuition at the in-state rate, room and board
when provided in campus facilities, and fees or other charges from such
institution or school.
II. Payment on behalf of the scholarship recipient will be made directly to the
recipient's institution. The Arkansas Department of Higher Education will
reimburse the institution at the beginning of each semester for approved charges
covered by this program upon receipt of the Reimbursement Form, and
verification of the charges. 

Reimbursement can only be made for the year in
which the student is currently enrolled and has made application.
III. The Arkansas Department of Higher Education will pay the institution for the
award covered by this program upon receipt of the Reimbursement Form, and
verification of the charges.
A. Transfer Policy
A recipient who has received a Military Dependents’ Scholarship may
transfer to another eligible institution provided the Arkansas Department of
Higher Education receives written notification of the change of status by
October 1 for the Fall Term, February 1 for the Winter/Spring Terms, and
June 1 for the Summer Terms. Failure to notify the Arkansas Department
of Higher Education of the transfer by the deadline will disqualify the
student for waiver of tuition and fees at the institution to which he/she has

 B. Withdrawal Policy
Recipients may withdraw from the Military Dependents’ Scholarship
Program upon written notification to, and approval by, the Arkansas
Department of Higher Education. The petition shall give the reason for
withdrawal and will be supported with documentation. Recipients who
withdraw from school and fail to notify the Arkansas Department of Higher
Education by October 1 for the Fall term, February 1 for the Winter and/or
Spring terms, and June 1 for the Summer terms will not be eligible for a
tuition waiver for that semester. The recipient may receive the tuition
waiver if he/she can demonstrate that extraordinary circumstances
prevented him/her from notifying the Arkansas Department of Higher
C. Revocation Policy
The award will be permanently revoked if the recipient fails to enroll
full-time and the Arkansas Department of Higher Education receives
neither written notification of transfer to another eligible institution, nor a
petition for withdrawal by the recipient by October 1 for the Fall Term,
February 1 for the Winter/Spring Terms and June 1 for the Summer
Terms. At the discretion of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education,
the award will not be revoked if the Department determines that
extraordinary circumstances prevented the student from notifying the
Department by the required dates.
D. Military Service
Recipients who are members of the Arkansas National Guard or Armed
Forces Reserve units who are called to active duty for reasons other than
regular unit training and are unable to complete the current term will not
be penalized. They will be placed in deferred status until six (6) months
after release from active duty.
IV. Act 1180 of 1999 states that students who receive scholarships from public funds
may not use those funds in a financial aid package to exceed the Federally
recognized cost of attendance at the institution where the student enrolls. The
institution must follow ADHE policy in repaying public funds in the amount
exceeding the total cost of attendance for any student who receives public funds
in a financial aid package above the cost of attendance.

I. Administrative Agreement
The chief executive officer of the state-supported institution of higher education is
responsible for appointing one representative from the Financial Aid Office to act
as administrator of the Military Dependents’ Scholarship Program and to receive
all communications and forms issued by the Arkansas Department of Higher
Education. This representative is responsible for completing all forms,
verification of data, and complying with all program rules and regulations. The
institution must comply with these responsibilities in order to maintain continued
eligibility status.
II. Verification
The institution shall provide verification to the Arkansas Department of Higher
Education (ADHE) at the close of each term concerning the student's name and
continuing eligibility. This is accomplished using the Verification Form issued by
the Department.

 Reimbursement to the institution will be made after the
institution has completed the Verification Form and the Reimbursement Form
and returned them to the Arkansas Department of Higher Education.
III. Identification of Eligible Students
Institutions will be responsible for exercising all reasonable efforts to identify
students eligible for the program. Reimbursement can only be made for the year
in which the student is currently enrolled and has made application.
IV. Deadline for Disbursement of Funds
The deadline for disbursement of funds is no later than 10 days after written
receipt of funds. Any outstanding funds not disbursed must be returned to the
Arkansas Department of Higher Education.
V. Refund Policy
It is the institution’s responsibility to notify ADHE of the names of persons owing
a refund, the date of the withdrawal and the refund amount. This information
should be placed on the institution’s verification roster before returning it to
VI. Due Diligence
The institution will exercise due diligence in providing complete, accurate, and
timely information as requested by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education
on any scholarship recipient. In addition, the institution will exercise due
diligence in complying with all the rules and regulations of the Military
Dependents’ Scholarship Program. 

I. It is the recipient's responsibility to notify the Arkansas Department of Higher
Education, in writing, of any change in status within 21 days. This includes:
A. Changes in name, or
B. Change in address, or
C. Change in Institution, or
D. Change in full-time status, or
E. Withdrawal from an institution.
Failure to notify the Arkansas Department of Higher Education of any change in
status may affect future eligibility.
The following definitions are used in the Military Dependents’ Scholarship Program:
Approved Institution A public college or university or technical school located in
Arkansas that is accredited by the North Central Association
Commission on Higher Education, or has achieved
candidacy status, and does not discriminate against
applicants, or employees on the basis of race, color, religion,
sex, age, handicap, or national origin, consistent with the
provisions of applicable state and federal laws.
Dependent A spouse of a prisoner of war or person declared to be a
disabled veteran, missing in action or killed in action, or killed
on ordnance delivery, or any child born before or during the
period of time its parent served as a prisoner of war or was
declared to be a disabled veteran, missing or killed in action,
or killed on ordnance delivery, or any child legally adopted or
in the legal custody of the parent prior to and during the time
the parent served as a prisoner of war, declared to be a
disabled veteran, or was declared to be a person missing in
action or a person killed in action or killed on ordnance

Disabled Veteran A person who has been awarded special monthly
compensation by the Federal Department of Veterans Affairs
for service-connected, one hundred percent (100%) total and
permanent disability.
Full-time Student An undergraduate student enrolled in at least twelve (12)
semester credit hours, or its equivalent, per semester; or a
graduate student enrolled in at least nine 

(9) college
semester credit hours, or the equivalent, per semester.
Satisfactory Progress Undergraduate students must maintain a cumulative college
grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, and make
satisfactory progress toward a degree or certificate of
completion, as defined by the institution.
Graduate students must maintain a cumulative grade point
average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, and make satisfactory
progress toward a graduate or professional degree, as
defined by the institution.
Fees Waived Includes tuition at the in-state rate, room and board when
provided in campus facilities, fees or other charges incurred
from the approved institution.

 Non-reimbursable charges
would include any penalty charges, including but not limited
to, parking tickets, or other penalty payments.

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