technology education and quality support services


The various uses of technology are testimony to have developed
student-centered academic environment in schools. For example, learning through
the internet, video and tele-conferencing and televised educational talk which can
be interactive and time saving may add significance to the quality of
educational processes. Droste (2000) also says that internet technologies may
be used as a substitute to other methods, an innovation that could be explored
by many schools in developing countries. The president of Cisco Systems
remarked: “There are two fundamental equalizers in life — the Internet and Education.
E-learning eliminates barriers of time and distance, creating universal
learning-on-demand opportunities for people, companies and countries”
(Chambers, 2000).


Quality Support Services


Figure3.  The Third Part of TLS Model of Quality


Quality Leaders

The leadership and management
skills of school leaders impacts on the attainment of quality education in a system.
It takes a few positive words from a school principal to motivate teachers and learners,
and a few negative words to de-motivate them. 
The school head is looked upon as the most informed and powerful person
in a school hierarchical system, it is crucial that the leader embodies what
he/she tells and promises for the cause of the school. For example, a phrase
like ‘I saw you going late to the morning assembly’ would only question the
management and leadership credibility of the head. So, the school head should
be mindful of his words and actions as their leadership and management styles can
seriously affect the whole school system (Thinley, 2014, p 24).

There are certain things which
a school leader must not neglect owing to the significant attribution each has
on achievement of quality education in school:


First, there are curricular
and extra-curricular activities in the school which if neglected could erode motivation
of teachers and students which could adversely affect quality education.
Establishing a tradition to uplift the dignity of students and teachers can be institutionalized
in an accreditation system.  Sergiovanni,
2002 in Thinley, 2014 robustly says that things get done when there is a reward
mechanism for every aspect of competition and initiative carried out by the
school citizens. The objective of delivering a quality education to students
would have a positive influence on the culture in a school.


Second, running a school doesn’t absolutely fall on
the school head alone. It takes a collective and concerted effort of the principal,
teachers and ancillary staff to deliver the quality education to students.
Thus, empowerment of all staff with power and responsibilities is paramount as
it promises measurable outcomes.


Finally, an effective head always strives hard for
the benefit of all staff and students. The head ensures that a school is a
homecoming for students and teachers. It is a matter of ethics and morality and
there is no denying the fact that practices of harassment, bullying, and
corporal punishment in a school is against the principles of good school
culture (Thinley, 2014). Instead, values like honesty, authenticity, integrity
and love, which stands for an acronym ‘HAIL’ must be greeted, claimed and encouraged
enthusiastically for the development of wholesomeness in learners (Treasure,
2013, in Ted Talk, Scotland). The school is ultimately for the learners
therefore, the vision, mission, aims and objectives of the school must be
geared towards development of quality students. 

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