the quality parents within education


Quality Parents

In contemporary world, the relevance of parental role towards the education
for their children is of vital significance. The children whose parents are
educated do fairly well in any curricular and co-curricular activities in schools.
In other words, a supportive home ambience when provided to children is
conducive to their academic success (Marzano, 2003).  Besides,
(2004), Henderson (1988), Shumox & Lomax (2001) are of the view that the
performance of students in academic fields depends heavily on the parantal
engagement in their daily learning activities.


Krashan (2005) confirmed that learners, whose parents are caring,
supportive, educated, and time-conscious about their learning, do better in
standardized tests than children whose parents are otherwise. Interestingly, some
parents even take part in school activities for the development of their
children which is welcoming and exemplary to others. As a result, the parental support
for the development of the students and success of the school is urgently but
ardently needed.





The elements of successful learning such as the quality curricula, efficient
leaders, well qualified and conscientious teachers, motivated learners, supportive
parents and abundant resources are the core components that determine the
quality of education in the country. Schools are more likely to be known for
the quality achievement of education if good care has been given to TLS model
of quality education. It may be recommended that educators have good knowledge
on this model before they embark on any new educational undertakings for the
cause of learners and the future citizens of the country. The future of the
country depends on today’s youth. Having access to quality education has been
tacitly understood as the right of the learner. “What will be the fate of the
country if there are high numbers of unproductive youth in the country?” is the
question every person has to listen, understand, analyze and resolve


The figure 4 is a summary of some core elements which are necessary for
the development of quality education in a school system.



Figure 4: Elements of quality education





































































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