positioning of the brand


The promotion of the product should support the primary objective of positioning of the brand, which
largely depends on the correct mix of elements of promotion. This means convincing communication with the
consumer, in particular for creating a high level of awareness about the products, information regarding changes
to products, creating an interest and connection with the consumer with the ultimate goal of leading him to
action, i.e. to buy the product. When there is great "fuss" in the air, the message presented to consumers should
be clear and simple message that is consistent with consumer believes and perception, rather than the reality of
the product. In a case when the company is not first on the market, it can find an unoccupied position, and in
circumstances where on the market the most popular brands of chocolate are the foreign ones, for successful
positioning can be used the fact that there is a lack of a domestic brand of chocolates, or/and in terms of eventual
replacement of the existing foreign with other imported brands 

- better quality, better/new taste, attractive
packaging and availability of the product. These few elements can be effectively used in creation of promotional
messages to consumers. Methods of promotion of the products may include economic propaganda, publicity and
sales promotion, and public relations. The objectives of the economic propaganda, according to the results of the
survey of consumer preferences, should be both communication and sales goals: positioning of the product as a
quality (homemade) chocolate, with the highest value for the price for everyone, on every occasion, any place,
any time of day; create awareness of new flavors and sizes, in new packaging; encourage product trial;
aggressive and competitive campaign; enhancing the corporate image/identity. The budget for promotion can be
created with a combination of the method of competition and method of percentage of sales. Promotional costs
in the market are dominated by the main players - Milka, Nestle, Dorina and others, which set out the rules of the
game to a higher level, and make it necessary to take aggressive competitive campaign. At present, most of the
domestic producers of chocolate have no, or a budget of at most 3% of annual turnover, where marketing
activities and promotion are not seen as an investment, but as a costxxix
. The design of the content of the message
should include a certain appeal to consumers, that may be based on the fact that chocolate is a fun and healthy
product that quickly creates a feeling of satiety, so it can be shown as an enhancer of mood, and as a gift.
Elements of emotion can be used - a feeling of love, friendship, pleasant surprise - and joy etc., and also the
product can be presented as a source of energy, concentration and inspiration in the intense moments during the
day - sports, games, strenuous working hours, learning and so on. The message should have a conclusion -
because action is expected soon, and the strongest parts should to be placed at the beginning of the message. The
form of the message may be displayed through interesting scenes such as: a picnic, faculty activities, working in
the office, at home in front of the TV, before /after training - fun activities of daily living of the population that
will contribute to association of chocolate as a fun product that is used in every moment of the day. The source
of the message for printed media and outdoor advertising (billboards, posters, etc.) can be a striking slogan that
will also be used in advertising and TV, along with pictures of the products on a simple background or image of
faces of people from different nationalities, ages, gender etc., that bite a piece of the chocolate. Source for
electronic media can be entire families, young couples, friends who spend time together, enjoy and take joy in
chocolate, followed by music from a famous artist and impressive slogan, such as: "Yesterday you have tasted
all the other chocolates that WERE most popular, today, taste the (homemade) chocolate that WILL BE most
popular!" or "Any time is a good time for something homemade - know me better - Clasico!" or "Whenever you
wish to share with someone - share happiness – Choco Mix!" The media through which the message should be
presented are from the group of impersonal media including: print and audiovisual (radio and national
televisionxxx) media, social media and display media for outdoor advertising. The period of broadcast of the ads,
or investment in the economic propaganda may be continuous with fluctuations depending on the volume of
invested funds. The success of the economic propaganda may be controlled with the help of pre - testing (focus
groups) and post - testing (percentage of consumers who know the product after the campaign and percentage
who changed their attitude after the campaign). 

Economic propaganda contributes mostly in increasing the sales
in the growth stage of product life cycle and maintains the current sales volume in the phase of maturity of the
products. The main goal of sales promotion is to encourage the sale immediately, and to change the attitudes of
the consumers, but the effects are on short term and therefore should be used sparingly, in a short period of time.
The decision to buy chocolate is not pre-planned and because of that, the techniques of sales promotion
(combination of sales promotion activities aimed at end customers and to intermediaries) can effectively be used.
Promotion of sales should be directed towards two target segments: The end consumer (trade stamps and savings
cards - given at the first purchase, contests and lotteries, which may occasionally be organized to encourage
demand for holidays and in the season of lower demand – spring – summer, i.e. May to August); 

intermediaries (such as cash discounts, giving an additional quantity of product for free when larger quantities
are ordered, placing mini - coolers and other types of displays for sale or point of purchase (POP) designed by
the manufacturer and shipped to retailers for a particular brand of product or group of products. The forms of
POP are different and vary from one industry to another, but most often encounter the following: special shelves,
exhibition cards, pennants, signs and various mechanical mounts of the product). Publicity and public relations
can be effectively used for creating brand awareness for new products, and creating positive attitudes among the
public for the enterprise as a whole. The company has to promote new products, to notify about new technology,
received certificates for implemented standards for quality, received awards, possible partnership with other
companies or organizations, participation in humanitarian actions of individuals or the community at large etc.
This can be done through press releases sent to various media and organized events that are closely related to
sponsorship and also certain popular series or movies that are shown on television can also be sponsored. The
marketing strategy should also have a plan for implementation of control activities. Key points that should be
controlled are the satisfaction and approval of buyers and consumers (through proposals and questionnaires),
monitoring of sales (through reports on sales and financial indicators - per month), competition (through
examination and monitoring of dealers reactions of competitors), development and progress of the sales force
(through training and research - mystery shopping)

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